Education2Success (ED2S) is gearing up to host its next Innovate-A-thon, and would like you to vote for selection of the theme!
Pedestrian safety
Closed loop agriculture
Water reclamation
New recycling approaches
Innovate-A-thons (IAT) bring together students from a range of fields of study and different universities to design innovative solutions to problems of society, environment, and economy.
Students participate in teams in two-week, innovation “sprints” on a given topic, and receive a modest scholarship. All teams are guided through the process by IAT experts and with subject matter experts. Progress made in a two-week sprint may advise subsequent sprints, all advancing the technology readiness level (TRL) of an innovation topic.
Innovate-A-thons address four key areas of innovation: Identify—Ideate—Improve—Implement—resulting in something new, better, and ready to change lives. Students engage in the process, make important contributions to real change and engage directly with industry, providing access to significant career opportunities. Theme solutions can span technology, application, process, or service.
Prior IATs include One Leg at a Time, through which students created real world solutions for above-the-knee prosthetics for developing countries—where material and financial resources are limited, but demand is high. This topic has resulted in the development of not just the innovation itself, but now the (in the current sprint) design of “kits” to facilitate widespread use among the millions of users in need of life changing solutions, by industry partners on an open innovation basis.
Ed2S is a nonprofit organization, supported entirely through philanthropy, grants, and sponsorships. All contributions go directly to student scholarships, materials, and direct operation costs. Universities incur no expense for their students’ participation in Innovate-A-thons.
What is your vote for the next Innovate-A-thon? Cast your vote before Oct 20!
Ed2S will announce the winning theme on November 1, 2024.
Contact us:
If you are a student interested in participating in an Innovate-A-thon, contact us at steven@Ed2S.org.
If you are interested in financially supporting an Innovate-A-thon as a sponsor or through a donation, contact us at sherry@Ed2S.org.
If you are a university program or faculty and are interested in learning more about Innovate-A-thons for your students, contact us at sherry@Ed2S.org
If you are a company or organization that is interested in posing and supporting a specific, IAT theme, contact us at steven@Ed2S.org.
If you would like to learn more about Innovate-A-thons, click here or visit us at www.IAT1.org.
Media contact: Sherry Hoskinson at sherry@Ed2S.org.
We look forward to hearing from you!