Education2Success.org, LLC announces plan to expand its Innovative-A-thon (https://www.iat1.org/) program to five additional universities over the Fall 2024 semester.
Innovate-A-thon presents a distinctive and impactful approach to cultivating a dynamic innovation workforce while addressing critical societal, environmental, and economic challenges.
Why Innovate-A-thon?
Companies and organizations exceedingly need to embrace innovation to guide a strong path forward. Whether a process or product, idea or invention—bringing innovation to the table is critical.
How companies infuse innovation is immensely benefited by the ability to attract, engage, and retain innovative thinkers. Priming the pipeline of innovative thinkers is among the most exciting and essential roles in education. Bringing those thinkers to critical challenges results in innovative and actionable solutions
Innovate-A-thon brings together learners, solution seekers, educators, businesses, and philanthropists to innovate for purpose and to prepare innovative thinkers for the workplace.
For our recent IAT we partnered with One Leg at a Time and Quorum Prosthetics.
How Innovate-A-thon works
Nonprofit Innovate-A-thon organizes the identification of challenge themes and projects, and works with universities and community colleges to organize student groups in two-week, sprint-style program to apply the fundamentals of Identify, Ideate, Improve, Implement, and to specifically design measurable, impactful, solutions.
Problem themes and desired outcomes are well defined for students, identified by members of business and society, and sponsored by companies, organizations, and philanthropic organizations.
As problems are identified, educational institutions are able to engage students through:
Formal education programs
Student associations and clubs
Individual outreach through university career services groups
Students with innovative mindsets join a structured program to develop practical solutions that address the needs of diverse end-users
Students gain hands-on experience in fast-paced innovation through programs that simulate “sprint” style project management
Participating students are eligible for scholarships
Innovate-A-thon professionals guide and ensure innovative outcomes for companies and organizations and for student learning experience
Companies and organizations receive actionable, innovative approaches to defined problem “themes” and projects
Educational institutions offer impactful learning opportunities through innovative programs, enhancing their reputation and strengthening their ability to attract and retain outstanding students and faculty
Participating students engage directly with potential employers who realize the potential of every individual
Innovate-A-thon costs
There is no required cost to the university to host an Innovate-A-thon. All hard costs are covered through sponsorships and generous philanthropy of those who value building an innovation workforce. The IAT team loves to work with local and regional stakeholders to build financial support for regional innovation outcomes and to assist companies in recruiting great talent and keeping that talent closer to home!
The operation of an Innovate-A-thon (IAT) is managed by the IAT team. University team members are welcome to participate, but there is no requirement or obligation of university personnel time.
The Innovate-A-thon process has been developed, tested, and refined through decades of experience in entrepreneurship and innovation programs.
Founding support
Innovate-A-thon is made possible through the founding philanthropy of Paul Efron.
Paul has provided generous founding financial support to nonprofit Education2Success to advance the power of innovation in memory of his late sister, Dr. Meryl Efron. Along with partner Jim Jindrick, they founded for-profit i2S.biz, non-profit Ed2S.org and the Innovate-A-thon program. Learn more about Paul, Jim, and Steven here.
Paul emphasizes the vital importance and need to support new generations through education as instilled in him by his mother, Harriet, 2nd grade teacher, PS50, room 146.
Paul shared, "When one of our Innovate-A-thon participants, Angelina, said, ‘This program has probably been one of the most valuable things that I’ve done in my college time’, It filled me with joy. I knew we were on to something and helping people".
Please join Paul Efron and the Innovate-A-thon team in building opportunities or students, innovations, and humanity.
Learn more
If you would like to learn more about how to engage your university students, propose a theme/project, spread the word about Innovate-A-thon, or provide sponsorship for this great program, please reach out to us directly at info@ed2s.org. View our website at https://www.iat1.org/.
Innovate-A-thon is a nonprofit program of Education2Success.org. 100% of financial contributions directly support student engagement and Innovate-A-thon execution expenses.
Current participating universities include University of Arizona, Boise State University, Northern Arizona University, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Wisconsin Madison, and University of California Davis.
Media Contact: Sherry Hoskinson (sherry@ed2s.org)
Innovate-A-thon Contact: Steven Szymeczek (steven@ed2s.org)